Enterprise Architect is a visual modeling and design tool based on the OMG UML. The platform supports, the design and construction of software systems; modeling business processes; and modeling industry based domains.
The General category considers non-technical facets, such as licensing and support, which can be . . .
This facet is motivated by the importance of access to the latest changes and stable releases of . . .
The General category considers non-technical facets, such as licensing and support, which can be . . .
This facet is motivated by the importance of licensing for distribution, redistribution, and modi . . .
The General category considers non-technical facets, such as licensing and support, which can be . . .
This facet refers to where the tools have been or are intended to be used: in academia, in indust . . .
The General category considers non-technical facets, such as licensing and support, which can be . . .
This facet refers to the available resources for life-cycle maintenance and technical support of . . .
The General category considers non-technical facets, such as licensing and support, which can be . . .
This facet refers to the ability to limit user access to models or code, or to prevent accidental . . .
The General category considers non-technical facets, such as licensing and support, which can be . . .
This facet captures the availability of resources for learning and using the tool.
. . .Some tools provide an environment for modeling in different modeling languages, either a domain-s . . .
This facet refers to support for identifying the similarities and differences between homogeneous . . .
This facet indicates whether the tool support model querying as a standalone feature.
. . .Models need to be stored and loaded to/from storage as files repositories. Repositories such as t . . .
Ideally, tools should provide support for well-known and legacy standards, languages and specific . . .
Input and output models of a transformation must conform to metamodels. This facet considers whic . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
This facet provides information about the syntax of the model transformation language of the tool . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
The Output facet indicates the kind of output supported by a particularM2M or M2T tool. The outpu . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
The Cardinality facet classifies model transformations based on the number of input and output mo . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
Rule-based transformation systems vary widely in the mechanisms that determine the order in which . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
This facet considers the organization and composition of transformation rules into rule sets and . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
This facet is related to the mechanisms determining where a rule should be applied in a given inp . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
Model transformations can be endogenous or exogenous, depending on the source and target metamode . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
Transformations can be unidirectional, bidirectional or multidirectional. Unidirectional transfor . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
The verification facet addresses whether a tool provides support for formally verifying transform . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
Behavior of model transformations can be validated using either testing or simulation. This facet . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
Traceability, that is, maintaining links between input model elements and their corresponding out . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
This facet refers to the way in which changes to the input model of the transformation are propag . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
Concurrent transformation refers to running two or more transformations at the same time.
. . .The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
This facet addresses the ability to automatically run model transformations in the background as . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
This facet indicates tools that offer mechanisms for determining which model transformations can . . .
The Transformation category addresses the facets of model transformation tools related to the model . . .
This facet is related to creating, reading, updating, and deleting (CRUD) model transformations, . . .
User Experience addresses facets pertinent to the user-friendliness of the tool, and the quantity an . . .
This facet describes whether the tool provides graphical, command line/textual, or both graphical . . .
User Experience addresses facets pertinent to the user-friendliness of the tool, and the quantity an . . .
This facet indicates whether the tool provides facilities to support easy organization and manage . . .
User Experience addresses facets pertinent to the user-friendliness of the tool, and the quantity an . . .
This facet catalogs syntax-directed editing facilities such as syntax highlighting, auto formatti . . .
User Experience addresses facets pertinent to the user-friendliness of the tool, and the quantity an . . .
This facet addresses support for semantics-sensitive editing, including refactoring, error and wa . . .
User Experience addresses facets pertinent to the user-friendliness of the tool, and the quantity an . . .
This facet considers the level of automation in the execution of model transformations that exhib . . .
User Experience addresses facets pertinent to the user-friendliness of the tool, and the quantity an . . .
This facet captures the similarity of the programming style encouraged by the transformation lang . . .
User Experience addresses facets pertinent to the user-friendliness of the tool, and the quantity an . . .
This facet considers tool support for automatic report and documentationgeneration.
. . .The Collaboration Support category groups facets required to build support for migration between . . .
This facet indicates whether the tool provides support for the collaboration of several people on . . .
The Collaboration Support category groups facets required to build support for migration between . . .
This facet refers to techniques that enable reuse of test sequences, rules, functions, procedures . . .
The Collaboration Support category groups facets required to build support for migration between . . .
This facet highlights support for interoperability, such as support for version control systems ( . . .
The Collaboration Support category groups facets required to build support for migration between . . .
Extensibility considers support for integrating new technical solutions and functionalities into . . .
This facet captures whether the tool is part of an integrated development environment (IDE), or i . . .
Once defined and syntactically and semantically validated, model transformations must be executed . . .
The facet indicates whether the tool requires additional tools to work. Some tools are standalone . . .
The approach describes the set of language constructs or mechanisms used to describe and ap . . .
The approach describes the set of language constructs or mechanisms used to describe and ap . . .